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OS 7 - Thread (작성중)

위 포스트는 udacity 의 Introduce to Operating Systems by Geogia Tech 를 참고하였습니다.

추가로 이 곳 을 참고하였습니다.

1) Thread

1-1. Preview

  • Process : Can only access one cpu core

  • Thread를 이용하면 multiple access cpu with single process가 가능하다!

앞으로 배울 것.

  • thread가 무엇?

  • thread와 프로세스가 다른점?

  • thread를 다루고, 만들기 위한 자료구조

1-2. Overview


  • an active entity

    1. executing a unit of behalf of a processes
  • works simultaneously with others

    1. many threads executing ( concurrency )

      => 현대 운영체제 시스템에서는, 여러 쓰레드를 동시에 작동시키는 경우가 많음.

      => coordination이 좀 필요함.

  • requires coordination

    (especially when multiple workers are working at same time and perhaps even contributing same toy order)

    1. some restriction ex) sharing of I/O devices, cpu call, memory

      어떤 쓰레드가 이걸 이용할 수 있을지를 정해줘야함.

1-3. Process vs Thread

1. Process의 구성

  1. single thread process is represented by address space

    => virtual to physical mapping, code, file,…

  2. execution context -> register, stack point to process counter

2. Thread의 구성

Thread : Multiple independent execution context

  1. same part of virtual address space

    => share all virtual mapping, code, file…

  2. execute different instruction & different access portion of address space & different input

    => Each thread needs stack point, program counter, stack, register…

    => separate data structure to represent per thread information

  3. PCB will be more complex structure

    => shared among all threads & also have separate information about every single one of execution context that are part of process

1-4. Benefits of Multithreading

the advantages of using thread compared to multiprocessor & multi core system

  1. Structure

    Single process and multiple thread in the PCB

    • share virtual address -> memory efficient
    • indivisually has execution context such as process counter, register, stack pointer…
  2. Running

    • Input matrix consist of input contexts of each process

      => parallelzing program has benefit on speed

    • they conduct exact same code but, not neccessary executing same instruction

    • their still need to have on private copy on stack pointer

  3. Specialization


    • different thread can manage different customer request
    • Give higher priority to those threads -> to manage more important requests

    • each small portion of thread are running repeatedly -> their information can be stored cache -> hot cache
  4. another issue

    • not required as many swap from disk compared to a multi-processed alterntve (이부분은 이해를 해야할듯!)

    • Inter process communication will be easy

      because they share virtual addresses. so, we don’t need to estabilish transfer buffer or memory mapping

      (communicating data & passing data among the processes or synchronizing among processes needs IPC)

1-5. Benefits of Multithreading - Single CPU

Are threads useful on a single CPU? or when (# of threads) > (# of CPUs)?

ex) Single Thread T1 make request move

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